A collection of demos, experiments, and products that use the openAI API.
A creative writing and content workspace. Comes with 100+ tuned prompts that…
Inite is an AI-powered clubhouse with different rooms to teach, learn and play…
A collection of language tools for business and life. Powered by AI.
Game, powered by GPT-3, where you can choose your own adventure to see a story…
@sharifshameen shows a usecase of JSX generator from text. Pretty mind blowing!
@paraschopra created a demo of a search engine where for any query, see the…
@plotlygraphs demos a usecase where you can generate a graph using text
Pattern match in google sheet to autopopulate information through few examples
GPT-3 generated on demand love letters in BASIC, by Statue of Liberty or even…
@mckaywrigley shows a usecase where you can learn about a topic from a known…
A creative writing and content workspace. Comes with 100+ tuned prompts that…
Losslesshq has used GPT3 to power its text to regex generator. Pretty cool!
@lawderpaul takes a photo of nutrition label. GPT3 parses the ingredients, its…
Rosebud paired their AI generated models with a story that is generated by GPT3
Immediately find the answers in your customer surveys, product reviews, and…
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